TDH urges everyone to get a flu vaccine now

NASHVILLE– With flu season almost here, the Tennessee Department of Health reminds everyone to get a flu vaccine now to help keep themselves and their loved ones healthy.
"Getting our flu vaccination is really about protecting other people, not just ourselves" said TDH Commissioner John Dreyzehner, MD, MPH. "Even those who think 'I have never been sick from the flu' have probably passed it to another person at some point.  It is easier than ever to do the right thing and get vaccinated."
Contact your health care provider about flu vaccine locations near you, or visit the Vaccine Finder available at
While everyone over six months of age is encouraged to get a flu vaccine, it’s especially important for young children, the elderly and pregnant women to be vaccinated. Nine children in Tennessee died from complications relating to influenza during the 2014-2015 flu season.
After your flu vaccination, it’s still important to practice good health habits to protect yourself from the flu and other winter viruses, and to prevent spreading them to others if you do get sick. Good health habits include frequent hand washing with soapy water or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and covering coughs and sneezes with a sleeve or tissue. People who are sick should stay home to recover and to prevent spreading illness to co-workers, friends and others.