Bolivar Middle School was one of only three schools in Tennessee and the only school in West Tennessee to receive the James Patterson grant to purchase books for students. Pictured (l-r) BMS Librarian Deana Sain, Anessa Sain, Sam Baker, and Principal Mary Ann Polk

BMS to provide free books to students

As the result of receiving a $5,000 grant from bestselling author James Patterson, Bolivar Middle School (BMS) will be providing a free hardback book to each student during the school year.
The grant, written by BMS Librarian Deana Sain, was one of 127 awarded to school libraries (out of 28,000 applications) and one of only three awarded to Tennessee schools and the only West Tennessee school to receive the grant.
In addition to the grant from Patterson, Scholastic Reading Club will match each dollar of Patterson’s donation with ‘bonus points’ the school can use to acquire books for their students.
“I certainly concur with Mark Twain who said, ‘A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.’ The James Patterson Grant has enabled BMS with the tools to both enhance and expand our library book selections all in the effort to inspire and insist that every student under our watch gain an appreciation for reading regularly for both pleasure as well as learning,” BMS Principal Mary Ann Polk said.
Sain said she wrote the grant with the hopes of providing something above and beyond the school library. She wanted the grant to provide something personal to the students.
“I wrote that grant specifically to put books in the hands of our students,” Sain said. “I want to train them that they pass it on to others when they are finished reading it. Let your parents read it, let your cousins read it. I want them to take ownership of being literary ambassadors.”
With approximately 450 students at BMS, Sain said she would be taking her time to ensure she obtains the highest quality books for the students at the best price. She said students at BMS come to school with the necessities, but are not always given the opportunity to have new books purchased for them.
“I want them to be proud that this is their book,” Sain said.

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