What's Happening

AUGUST 21MASTER GARDENER PROGRAM in Grand Junction. Pick up an application at the Grand Junction Library.  Call 901-734-4229 for more information.AUGUST 23BENEFIT SINGING for Roger King Sr. 5 p.m. at Piney Grove Baptist Church. For more information, call Harold Neal Howell at 731-609-8146 after 5 p.m.; Janice Howell at 731-609-3916, anytime.AUGUST 21-24“ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN” August 21-23 at 7 p.m. and August 24 at 2 p.m. at the Hardeman County Arts Council. For more information, call the box office at 731-658-2787.AUGUST 31LAMBERT REUNION starting at noon at the home of Barbara Lambert located off Hwy 125 North on Lambert Lane in Silerton.  Bring lawn chairs, baseball equipment and a dish to share at the meal.  All family and friends are invited.