UT Martin names Chancellor’s Honor Roll

Students from Hardeman County that made the Chancellor’s Honor Roll for the Fall semester 2015 at the University of Tennessee at Marin include;
Bolivar: Tavorciae J. Allen, High Honors; Emily C. Clark, High Honors; Von M. Griffin, Honors; Kelly M. Lance,  Honors; Kayla N. Marcum, Highest Honors; Myrlian Sain, High Honors; Sarah G. Sanders, Highest Honors; Kirsten M. Woody, High Honors
Hornsby: Marianne P. Dorris, Honors; Jacie S. King, Highest Honors; Hunter R. Moore, Honors
Medon: Shelby M. Thurmond, Honors
Middleton: Lindsey N. Baldwin, High Honors; Tahanna S. Johns, Highest Honors; Andrew T. Webster, High Honors
Saulsbury: Krissa L. Rosendahl, Highest Honors
Toone: Natalie C. Denton, High Honors
Whiteville: Liocia A. Bass, Highest Honors; Shelby L. Jestice, Honors; Gerpouria A. Minter, High Honors