BID NOTICE - Hickory Valley

The Town of Hickory Valley is currently accepting bids for the installation of benches, trash receptacles, water fountains, and signs along the newly constructed walking trail. These items have already been purchased and are ready for installation.

Bid specifications, or an appointment to look over the project, can be obtained from mayor Ricky Ayers at 731-609-8639. Sealed bids should be mailed to: Town of Hickory Valley, P.O. box 39, Hickory Valley, TN 38042, or left in our drop box located beside the front door at City Hall, 7115 Hwy 18 S. All bids must be received by noon on November 1, 2022 and should be labeled “walking trail bid” on the envelope. Bid opening will be November 1, 2022 at 7 p.m. At the regular meeting of the mayor and the Board of Aldermen.

The Town of Hickory Valley reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids accepted and read will remain effective for 60 days after the date of opening. Award of contract will be based on the lowest best bid, as determined by the Town of Hickory Valley.