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BCHS Media Class to Team with County Government

The Bolivar Central Media team is a group of chosen upperclassmen who, under the authority of Ian Wellons, broadcasts sports, interview citizens in the community, and creates monthly news segments that bring awareness to things in the school community. This year, the BCHS Media team is working on a project for the Assessor of Property, Josh Pulse. The media team has been assigned to make a county-wide PSA explaining the statewide reappraisal of property.

“Josh Pulse contacted me about working on a PSA to help inform the county residents about the reappraisal process. It has been a great experience for my students, as they had to practice the creative process from scratch and build this on their own. We are always looking for projects like this, and we are glad to be able to help out,” Media Coordinator Ian Wellons says.

“I am very excited about the opportunity to work with our High School Media Class,” said Pulse. “This will be the first time that I am aware of that the county has worked with the school to produce a public service announcement. I also believe that we will be the first Assessor’s office in the state to do something like this. The project will be a model that other counties across the state will look at and I am proud that we will be leading the way. I appreciate our Director of Schools, Dr. Christy Smith and Mr. Wellons for allowing this to happen. It will be something that I know we can all be proud of.”

The PSA will be released after April 1st.

Story by media team member Paige Stallworth. Photo courtesy of Ian Wellons.